Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Jr Elementary


May 2021

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe, I know, that your little ones are starting their journey of discovery at the Jr Building.  They may be nervous but they are wondrous and curious about what it is like to go to ‘Big School’! I know as parents you may have mixed feelings about this on a regular day but during a pandemic, I am certain you have worries and may be feeling apprehensive about sending them to school. I can assure you that is normal, especially now. 

We are ready for your little ones and want you to know they will be safe and in good hands.

Moving forward, we need to work as a team. Please reach out to your child’s teacher or to me if you have any questions or concerns. Our door is open, always; metaphorically, these days but you know what I mean.

We are sending you information you will need for the first few weeks of school. Please read it over carefully. We will be hosting zoom meetings in the Q and A format to answer any questions you may have. We will send you the zoom links closer to the dates.

          • French Immersion Primary Q and A:  Tuesday, June 1  6:00-6:30
          • English Primary Q and A: Wednesday, June 2   6:00-6:30

A Welcome to Primary video has been posted to YouTube and can only be viewed by people uploading this link:

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at Thank you and we look forward to finally meeting you and our new primaries!

Kind Regards,

Ms. Leger   Principal


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How will I know who my child’s teacher is?
Teachers will be calling parents the week prior to starting school to introduce themselves. Actual class lists will be posted on our website and cafeteria windows on TBD (waiting for HRCE calendar)

2. Where will my child go the first day of school in the morning?

Staff will meet Primaries arriving on the bus and walk them to the field area to meet their teachers. If you are bringing your child to school the first day, you can walk them to the back of the school, on our field. Their teachers will be there to meet you.

3. What information does my child’s teacher need the first day of school?
Bring any information you have in a sealed zip lock bag with your child’s name on it. Please put your information in the bin on the pavement by the field. Teachers will direct you.
               • Information (blue form or handwritten) listing dismissal information such as bussing information, walker etc. (see list #4)
               • Updated personal information such as email, phone number, address etc. if it changed from the time of registration.
               • If medication is required during the school day, contact Mrs. Spears in the office and she will email the forms to you or you can download them from our school                   website. We cannot administer prescription and non-prescription medications without signed consent.

4. What will dismissal look like at 2:3O?

If you are picking your child up at dismissal please be at the school by 2:20.

Walkers: Your child will be at the head of their class line. They dismiss through the same door they will use to come into the school. Please stand behind the yellow line at the periphery of the playground and wave to the teacher when you see your child. They will direct the child to you.

Bussers: Teachers will walk all children out the door including bussed students. All students exit the same door they use to enter the building.
It is crucial that we have accurate dismissal information. Please fill in the Dismissal Form and email it back to the school. 
Primary Tags: With Covid, we were not able to accept registrations easily at the school. Your child will need an ID tag attached to their book bag. We have attached a google form for you to fill out and email back to the school. Attach this information to your child’s book bag and email it back to the school. This will give us your child’s dismissal information.

               My child’s name:
               Phone number of parent:
               My child is a walker ____   
               Person picking up your child after school:
               Relationship: (parent, babysitter etc.)                                            
               My child is a busser _____    
               Bus # _____   Drop off location __________________________

5. Where do I drop off my child and pick them up on the second day of school?
In the morning, on the second day of school, staff will meet the busses and take the children (including primaries) to their lineups. Your teachers will tell you where they will be dismissing and lining up. If you are dropping off your child, when you arrive please practice safe distancing and go to the yellow line once your child arrives at their lineup.It will be the same dismissal procedure as outlined for Day 1.  Again, the teacher will walk students out and will look for you. Please wave, make eye contact with the teacher. She will then hand off your child to you.

6. I need to pick up my child early from school. What do I do?

Write a note and place it in your child’s communication bag. If you do not have a communication bag (first few days), place your note in a clear and labelled Ziploc bag so the teacher can see your note. Please do not call the school and leave a message. Teachers do not read emails until after school. We cannot guarantee we will get it in time for dismissal. Once school starts, teachers will encourage certain ways of communication with families (i.e. email, notes, class communication folder etc.)

7. What types of foods can I send with my child?

Primary students do not order from the cafeteria the first month of school. As you can imagine, school can be overwhelming at first for primaries and we aim to simplify things. When sending snacks and lunches, please know that we are a nut sensitive school. Your child will need a packed lunch but one that does not need to be reheated. We cannot use microwaves. Some parents use a thermos and that seems to work. Please send many snacks because they will need nutrition and movement breaks throughout the day. Please send food in containers your child can open. You may need to have them practice at home. Please include a fork and spoon for your child to use.You can put the fruit cup in a container they can open and cutting the wrapper on granola bars helps too! Please send a filled water bottle with your child’s name on it. We will have bottle filling stations but we want to make things as simple as possible so filling it up from home will help with this. If they run out of water, they can fill it up at the filling station.

8. What kinds of supplies does my child need for school?
We will buy your child’s supplies. They need a pair of indoor sneakers. Please try for Velcro shoes so your child can be successful putting them on and not have to wait for help. As you can imagine, line-ups for help can get long in Primary! Please send a few extra sets of clothes (underwear, socks, shirts and pants) because accidents will happen. Please put them in a zip lock bag labelled with your child’s name.They will need a backpack but one they can lift easily. Over the years, I have seen little ones fall backwards and end belly up like a turtle! Funny but not funny!

9. How can I prepare my child with dressing?
Please label ALL your child’s belongings. Although we will help our little ones with clothing and anything else, we ask that you teach them how to pull up their pants, put on their coats, sweaters and other bits of clothing. This will help build independence and confidence. They shine when they feel proud of their accomplishments!

10. What do I do if my child takes medication during the school day?
We have been sending the paperwork needed to provide children with needed medications while at school. Please call the school if you have not received a form yet. If during the year, your child requires medications for colds etc., please call and we will get the paperwork to you. We cannot administer medications of any time without accurate paperwork.

Thank you!